Relay and How It Works

Relay and How It Works

Relays are the primary protection as well as switching devices in most of the controlprocesses or equipment regardless of whether they are electronic or electromechanical.

All the relays respond to one or more electrical quantities like voltage or current such thatthey open or close the contacts or circuits. 

A relay is a switching device as it works toisolate or change the state of an electric circuit from one state to another. 

These are foundin all sorts of devices. 

Relays allow one circuit to switch over to a second circuit that can becompletely separated from the first. 

There is no electrical connection inside the relay between the two circuits – the link is magnetic and mechanical only.

Basically a relay consists of an electromagnet coil, an armature, a spring and a series of electrical contacts. 

The electromagnet coil gets power through a switch or a relay driver and causes the armature to get connected such that the load gets the power supply. 

The armature movement is caused using a spring. 

Thus, the relay consists of two separate
electrical circuits that are connected to each other only through a magnetic connection, and the relay is controlled by controlling the switching of the electromagnet.

Basically a relay consists of an electromagnet coil, an armature, a spring and a series of electrical contacts. 

The electromagnet coil gets power through a switch or a relay driver and causes the armature to get connected such that the load gets the power supply. 

The armature movement is caused using a spring. 

Thus, the relay consists of two separate
electrical circuits that are connected to each other only through a magnetic connection, and the relay is controlled by controlling the switching of the electromagnet.


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