Operation of a 3-Phase Induction Motors

 Operation of a 3-Phase Induction Motors 

The operation of a 3-phase induction motor is based upon the application of 
Faraday Law and the Lorentz force on a conductor. 

The behaviour can readily be understood by means of the following example.

Consider a series of conductors of length 1 whose extremities are short-circuited by two bars A and B (Fig a). 

A permanent magnes placed above this conducting ladder, moves rapidly to the night at a speed v. 

so that its magnetic field B sweeps across the conductors. The following sequence of events then takes place:

1. A voltage E = Bly is induced in each conductor while it is being cut by the flux (Faraday Taw),

2. The induced voltage immediately produces a current 1, which flows down the conductor sinderneath the pole face, through the end-bars, and back through the other conductors. 

3. Because the current carrying conductor lies in the magnetic field of the permanent magnet.

it experiences a mechanical force (Lorentz force).

4. The force always acts in a direction to drag the conductor along with the magnetic field. 

If the conducting ladder is free to move, it will accelerate toward the right. However, as it picks up speed, the conductors will be cut less rapidly by the moving magnet, with the result that the induced voltage E and the current will diminish. 

Consequently, the force acting on the conductors wilt also decreases. 

If the ladder were to move at the same speed as the magnetic field, the induced voltage E the current 1, and the force dragging the ladder along would all become zero.

In an induction motor the ladder is closed upon itself to form a squirrel-cage (Fig.b) and the moving magnet is replaced by a rotating field. 

The field is produced by the 3-phase currents that flow in the stator windings.


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