Electrical distribution systems are an essential part of the electrical power system. 

In order to transfer electrical power from an alternating-current or a direct-current source to the place where it will be used, some type of distribution network must be utilized. 

The method used to distribute power from where it is produced to where it is used can be quite simple. 

More complex power distribution systems are used, to transfer electrical power from the power plant to industries. homes, and commercial buildings. 

Distribution systems usually employ such equipment as transformers, circuit breakers, and protective devices. 

The original electrical distribution system developed by Thomas Edison was an underground direct current (DC) system.

In general, the distribution system is the electrical system between the sub-station fed by the transmission system and the consumer end. 

I generally consists of feeders, distributors. 

The single line diagram of a typical distribution system is shown in Fig. 

Basically we can say, that part of power system which distributes electric power for local use is known as distribution system. 


A feeder i er is a conductor which connects the sub-station (or localised generating station) to the area where power is to he distributed. 

Generally, no tappings are taken from the feeder so that current in it remains the same throughout. 

The main consideration in the design of a feeder is the current carrying capacity. Distributor. 

A distributor is a conductor from which tappings are taken for supply to the

The current through a distributor is not constant because tappings are taken at various places along its length. 

Service mains

A service mains is generally a small cable which connects the distributor to
the consumers' terminals. 

According to nature of current, distribution system may be classified 

DC distribution system
AC distribution system

Now-a-days, a.c. system is universally adopted for distribution of electric power as it is simpler and more economical than direct current method.

According to scheme of connection, the distribution system may be classified 

✓ Radial system

✓ Ring main system

✓ Inter-connected system


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